β€œyou've got a big heart.

The way you see the world it got you this far...

If you face the fear that keeps you frozen,

chase the sky into the ocean that's when

Something Wild calls you home.”

Hi! I’m so happy you’re here

 Something Wild Photography was born as my oldest son and I were jamming out to one of our favorite songs, "Something Wild" by Lindsey Sterling featuring Andrew McMahon. Singing and laughing and sharing in the joy of the music elevated my heart and it was suddenly so clear, this is what my rebrand was waiting for. What used to be Tori North Photography is now

Something Wild





My passion is to make you feel amazing. I want you to see how truly unique and beautiful YOU are. One of my favorite speakers, Mel Robbins reminded me that we are all A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The fact that you are here reading this, at this moment, in the place you are in, is a miracle.

God created you to be exactly who you are, where you are,

and I want to help you capture that. While I may have this style or that style, and my own vision for the session, I will never lose sight that this relationship is and SHOULD BE about YOU. Let me pause and explain that I still direct, I still guide, I still help you every step of the way, I still use my expertise, but we aren't here to showcase me. We are here to showcase you and believe me, you deserve to be showcased! Don't get hung up on having the perfect session either, the purpose of capturing a moment in time is to be genuine and truly honor where you are at this time.

I'm the type of artist that allows the image, or the project, to speak to me. So when it comes to things like my editing style, I prefer to allow the emotions captured in the image to guide my artistic approach. each and every image In your gallery will be unique and thoughtfully created just for you.

I want you to see each image as its own masterpiece.

I am also one of the 7.9 billion people on this earth.

My husband and I have two wonderful boys, #boymom right here. Our lives are filled with soccer, baseball, TaeKwonDo, piano, and art, we are a blessed and busy family! We love being outdoors. In fact every year (except 2020, #thanksCovid) we usually go off-grid somewhere in the mountains. I love holistic living. I have tried and failed, to have a self-sustaining garden but one day I will succeed!

My loved ones describe me as being

thoughtful, kind, genuine, compassionate,

and having the ability to see beauty and wonder in the mundane... which often drives my family crazy. they could be walking 20 yards ahead of me and I'm looking at a rock and reveling in how beautiful it looks on the ground. True story. My family has lovingly dubbed me the family sloth as I often move so slow when we are outside because I have so much to absorb and admire.

I've enjoyed sharing a small part of my life with you, I cannot wait to learn your story and help you create beautiful images to showcase it!



let’s connect.

